July school holidays... it is the middle of winter... we've had a bit of a cold snap... so we've just relaxed and kept things chill. Check out my selection of photos to see some of our activities for the two weeks...
We did a bit of Letter of the Week craft catch up... we have a bit more to do but we are getting there. All three of the boys enjoy the opportunity for some arts and craft.
We spent some time working on life skills... with the older boys taking turns washing the breakfast and lunch dishes!
Over the course of three evenings Monster got a GOOD start on his new puzzle.
We enjoyed time outside at the park... running, jumping, climbing and swinging...
It was so lovely and warm one day that we enjoyed a picnic lunch and some reading aloud outside in the beautiful sunshine.
We attended two library events... our FAVOURITE... Bingo (top photo) and then a puppet craft day. We also went another day for word puzzles. The older boys enjoyed sitting at a table with some friends working on word find and crossword puzzles while Munchkin enjoyed some computer time.
While walking home from the library we chanced upon some Sulphur Crested Cockatoos sitting on the power lines. As soon as we got home, Munchkin asked me to pull up an image of a cockatoo on the spare mobile (cell) phone so he could draw a picture! I was duly impressed.
Two more letters in his Letter of the Week scrapbook are complete... we have three more to go before we are caught up, but week one of Term 3 will be review so we should be all set.
We did MASSIVE amounts of reading over the holidays... Here are some of Munchkin's selections...
Lunchtime read aloud selections...
Left photo: Monkey's Independent choice
Right photo: Monster is rapidly reading Sea Quest books
Bedtime selections for Munchkin...
Evening read alouds...
Left: Monster and I continued his Viking unit through the holidays
Right: A new series in the evenings for Monkey and he is LOVING it!!
More afternoon and bedtime story choices of Munchkin's...
It takes Monster only about an hour to read one of these books so he is flying through them.
All three boys enjoyed reading these Jeannie Baker books... The two books on the left had some wonderful messages about caring for the earth and the animals that have to live with us humans. The book on the right was a lovely little story based in Hyde Park in the city which the boys LOVED.
Another GREAT Jeannie Baker book - this one a wordless one...
The pages fold out to these big double page spreads to show the lives of two boys... on opposite sides of the world... and though they live very different lives... the boys saw many similarities as well... it is beautifully done!
Another of Jeannie Baker's wordless books dealing with humans and how they can live in harmony with native plants and animals within an urban setting...
Each two page spread shows a progression of time (usually about 2 years) and the pictures illustrate the changes in the neighbourhood over the course of that time...
The book beautifully illustrates the positive impacts we can have on an environment when we put a little thought and effort into our actions and choices.
Munchkin has a little Jackie French obsession going...
An old favourite (left) and a new book that I'm guessing will become a new favourite! Thankfully I don't HATE reading it!! ;-)
More Independent reading for Monster...
And we finish up with some more of Munchkin's books. I'm loving all the Rosemary Wells books... I hadn't realized how many new ones she has written!!
Thus ends our two weeks of winter school holidays and I feel refreshed, relaxed and ready to jump head first into Term 3!
Heidi, this stuff is AWESOME! ~Ginger