Friday, February 10, 2017

Term One: Week Two ~ Introducing Our Letter of the Week Program

Our first full and official week of school and so we focused on getting Munchkin's Letter of the Week program started.  He is VERY excited about having "real" schoolwork, and enjoys having a portion of each school day devoted to him.

He was thrilled to have his very own handwriting book. Not only did he do BOTH of his "Ff" pages on the first day, but he also worked on several of the number pages as well.

Quote of the day while working on his handwriting...
"I went off the lines here a little bit mum, but only because I'm SO excited!!" 

"Ff" is for FISH - so we got out the fishing game. 

"Ff" is for FLOWER so we did a flower paper collage project. 

I am allowing the older boys to participate in the art projects associated with Munchkin's program, but only if they get their own work done first.  Monster really enjoyed both the flower collage project, and the "F" covered in feathers! 

 "Ff" is for FEATHERS so he decorated a capital "F" with some pretty craft feathers.

Munchkin's finished flower collage - I gave no guidance or instruction - and was impressed with his skill and creativity. 

When dad has some spare time in his work day, he comes out of the office and snags a boy or two for a little while.  This particular day he and Munchkin worked on (and solved) the Bird of Paradise brain teaser puzzle. 

"Ff" is for FROG so we worked on a frog life cycle worksheet. The older boys did NOT participate in this as it was a repeat for both of them from when Monkey did a Letter of the Week Program. 

I have a beautiful Aboriginal style colouring book of different animals so I make copies of the page that corresponds to the Letter of the Week and the boys colour while I read aloud. The top picture is Monkey's and the bottom picture is Monster's.  Munchkin is a bit slower with his colouring so I will feature his finished product when it is ready!!

Last but NEVER least, our selection of books for the week...

Some of Monster's and Monkey's independent reading for the week.

We found some GREAT books at the library about frogs and enjoyed a long read aloud session one afternoon while the boys coloured their Aboriginal style frogs.  All of these books were interesting, informative and fun to read, but our favourite was probably this last one (above) which would definitely classify as a living book! 

A rather random read aloud choice for Monster and I, but he does love his Horrible History books.  We try to read them in an order that suits our history studies, but sometimes we veer off course.

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