Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Term Three Evaluation: Monkey



Independent Reading:
**See written list**

Other Reading Activities:
Reading Eggs online program
30-60 minutes of daily independent silent reading

Usborne Beginners King Midas and the Gold
The Borrowers Afield
May Gibbs Gumnut Classics
- Snugglepot and Cuddlepie
- Little Ragged Blossom

Copy work using quality literature such as Dr Seuss

Targeting Handwriting Year 2

daily oral review of weekly lists as sourced from online spelling website
(20 words per list)
written test taken every Friday

Maths Plus Year 2 Textbook
Units 17-24 covering the following topics:
arrays of two, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8, symmetry, measuring capacity, arrays of ten, counting backwards, faces, vertices and edges, comparing mass, doubles and near doubles, division using arrays, flip, slide and turn, digital time, subtraction jump strategies, rounding to ten, gather and compare data, metres and half metres, equal number sentences, number patterns, giving directions, visualising area units, extending addition facts, rearranging numbers to 1000, creating a picture graph, extending subtraction facts, cummutative property, views of 3D objects, the calendar, repeated subtraction, solving problems, modelling 3D objects, displacement
Diagnostic Review 3 

Scripture and Character Building:
Bible Read Aloud:
1 Samuel 10 ~ 2 Samuel 24

Geography/History -

Read Alouds:
Boomerang and Bat
Meet Don Bradman
Queen Victoria's Underpants

(Books below are Aboriginal stories)
Dunbi the Owl

Geography - 
Going to the Rainforest
24 Hours in a Tropical Rainforest

Science and Technology:
The following books were read aloud:
Crabs and Crustaceans
The Usborne Big Book of Sea Creatures
At Home in the Biome: Coral Reef

walk to and from the library
walk to and from the shops
walk to and from various parks
free play at various parks
riding scooter

Creative Arts:
Roald Dahl Birthday Craft
Mr Twit Beard craft

Weekly attendance of church and Sunday School
Numerous play dates with friends of multiple ages

Other Activities:
Played a variety of board and card games
  • Rummy-O
  • Mancala
  • Snakes and Ladders
  • Skip-Bo
  • Chess
  • Memory
  • Blokus
  • Blink

Term School Holiday Events:
Library ~ Bingo
Library ~ Bookmark Craft
ANSTO ~ Sport Science Day


  1. i noticed you orginally started with targeting maths but have been using maths plus over the last few years. interested to know the difference we're about to move into homeschooling grade 1

  2. I thought the Targeting Maths books were not covering material thoroughly enough, and my boys didn't like the look or the layout, so we made the switch to Maths Plus and they LOVE it. Will be changing for my eldest next year though as he'll start high school level math. Not sure yet what I'll choose - must start the research soon.

    1. thank you for the info. i'm loving reading your blog only recently came across it. getting lots of ideas thanks

    2. oh are you using the relevant state or national version of maths plus

    3. Yes, the Maths Plus textbooks I'm using this year are NSW Syllubus and Australian Curriculum Edition.

    4. Could you send me your email address? I won't publish it on the comments - but I think that would be an easier way to communicate.
