Friday, June 17, 2016

Term Two: Week Eight ~ Plodding Along

The second half of the second term of the year always seems to be the hardest for us.
I think it has something to do with winter setting in and it is a bit hard to get super motivated when it is cold and gets dark earlier.  This year was made even harder as the boys and I got hit with a cold/cough bug that though short lived, has left the boys with lingering coughs.
So we keep plodding along with this term, getting our most important structured written work done (writing/spelling, maths and reading) and then fill in any gaps with read alouds and natural learning... all the while waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel... school holidays!

There is always time for learning with Legos.  The older boys are playing an online Lego game that gives them instructions to some "secret" construction as they finish levels.  They periodically lock themselves away in the bedroom (away from the 4yr old brother) to work on the next section.  They don't always have the right parts but they have got quite good at improvising. 

Munchkin LOVES playing this game.  
He asks me (or his brothers) to play with him frequently.
It gives him good practice with counting and turn taking. 

 There is always time for reading - no matter what!
The Wombat books are favourites of all the boys even though they are VERY simple - Munchkin has memorized several of them we've read them that much!

These next four books are all Monster's books for the week.  The Brain-Bending Basics book was an independent free choice of his, Fox and Fine Feathers and Flight were Premier's Reading Challenge books, and the two Eygpt books were our read alouds that I finished with him as he worked on his puzzle in the evenings. 

 These two books were read aloud to the two older boys and they were FANTASTIC!

 Finally our selection of other picture books that I'm pretty sure I read to all three boys.
We enjoyed all of these so I imagine we'll be borrowing them from the library again soon.

The puzzle progress is VERY slow now as Monster gets to the hardest bits, so you have to look hard to see the differences, but they are there.

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