Friday, May 13, 2016

Term Two: Week Three ~ Thank Goodness For Reading

I am always thankful that the core of our homeschooling is becoming our reading and reading aloud.  If it weren't for this, valuable learning time would be lost when things go awry.  We had an interesting week with some schedule/routine disruptions and all would have been lost but for the fact that we read... a LOT.  So there are not many photos this week... in fact there are none of our structured, written learning time, but we read a LOT this week so learning continues.

Rather than plan a specific art project this week, I opted for some "free" painting which all three boys thoroughly enjoyed. 

These three photos are Munchkin's.  I decided to post photos of only his work because his ability to create identifiable pictures has really developed recently.  The top picture was a "portrait" of his favourite soft toy/stuffed animal, "draggy". 

We ended our week with an impromptu play date with our best friend's Friday afternoon.  Monster enjoyed a LOT of time on the trampoline, and Monkey enjoyed playing Angry Birds, Skylanders, and Lego with his best friend. 

We read LOTS of fairy tales - finishing the book above, and enjoying all these little adaptations as well.

We enjoyed some excellent picture books.
Pamela Allen is one of our favourite authors, and the other titles are some of our favourites.

We continued our Antarctica study...

Monster and I are enjoying learning about Australia leading up to, and during, the Melbourne Olympics in 1956, and we also FINALLY got a start on our nutrition unit.

Puzzle progress for the week...
All in all, a successful learning week despite the disruptions.

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