Friday, December 18, 2015

Term Four: Week Eleven ~ Last Week of the YEAR!!

Our last week of the school year and we decided a natural learning week was in order.
Monster completed his maths tests, but other than that, the boys followed their own interests for the week.

Monkey has discovered he can read chapter books!  The reading world is breaking wide open for him and his excitement is infectious. 

Munchkin chose to start this last week of school by announcing that he was ready to wear undies and use the toilet.  This time (easily our 5th or 6th try) will likely be the winner as it was HIS decision!!

His chosen activity first thing Monday morning was this magnetic toy that was my brother's when he was young... but after a few minutes Munchkin discovered that it is really too hard for him still. 

The older boys got some practical math skills in when they decided to play a game of Life on their own! 

Meanwhile Munchkin switched activities and decided it was a tent and tunnel sort of day. 

Tuesday was our Christmas decorating evening and all three boys LOVE the chance to hang the ornaments and help daddy with the tinsel.

Self decoration is a must every year... 

Wednesday I found this baby Praying Mantis while doing some gardening so we captured it long enough to observe him and photograph him... then released him before anything bad could happen to him. 

Finally, Thursday was an impromptu play date with our best homeschool friends as Monkey had a dentist appointment.  My friend was kind enough to look after Monster and Munchkin while I took Monkey to the appointment after lunch.

It was a hot day so there was much time spent on the trampoline while also using the water pistols (above) and Munchkin and his best friend enjoyed playing Hungry Hungry Hippos together. 

I managed to snap a photo of this cute chalk drawn person that Munchkin did as well!
Oh, and there were books read this week but silly me, in organizing and decluttering my 2015 photos I accidentally deleted them!

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