Aside from the fact that we ended the school holidays with all three boys sick with bad coughs and myself sick with laryngitis, we had a glorious two weeks holiday from structured learning.
Here is the selection of photos from the two weeks where we enjoyed less structure and more free time.
I found glucose syrup in the grocery store so we took the opportunity to re-do our blood cell experiment. It worked MUCH better with clear syrup so that you could see the components of the cell!
All three boys LOVE playdough so we made a batch right after finishing our blood cell experiment. A new batch of playdough equals hours of fun!
The boys enjoyed MORE playdough and lots of games with their best (homeschool) friends during our school holiday play date! It is tradition now to have an all day get together every school holidays.
The boys spent one morning at a science event with their father so I took the child free opportunity to clean, declutter, and reorganize the wardrobe/closet in our bedroom as it houses a lot of our homeschool equipment.
A box of coloured modelling clay from Kmart was another afternoon filled with fun! The boys worked quietly on lots of different creations while I read aloud to them from a few library books we'd been meaning to finish.
Munchkin has been enjoying building with the train set. Sometimes he asks for help and sometimes he sets up what he can all on his own! This particular track was his own creation.
All three boys (though only two were photographed) enjoyed finger painting for the first time in their lives!
Drawing on the whiteboard is always fun.
More play date fun!
A spring arts and crafts day at the local library.
And we finished off the holidays with a long play at the park near our new church! As you can see from these photos all three boys LOVE the sand and water section of the park! They pretty much spent the entire two hours we were there in this one spot!
Last but not least... holidays or not we are ALWAYS reading!!
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