Friday, March 6, 2015

Week Six ~ Hands On Learning

This week saw the boys and I enjoying some hands-on learning which mixed in very well with the written book work that we do.

Monkey enjoyed some hands-on application to learning about volume.
This activity was part of a page in his maths book and he had LOTS of fun estimating how many cups it would take to fill up the different containers, and then filling it to check if he was correct.

Munchkin had to get in on the action... first he copied what he had seen his brother do!

Then he just enjoyed some water play... 

ANYTIME he plays with water (or takes a bath) the Octonauts toys get added to the fun!

We are continuing our plant unit study... so this week we set up an experiment to see what seeds need to grow!

Monster got a Disgusting Science Experiment kit for his birthday and decided he wanted to do the "snot" experiment!

 The finished product... it took awhile to get to the correct consistency but the boys were pleased with the gross factor of the experiment!!

Munchkin really enjoys showing off his creations! 
This particular week he was really interested in his Duplo Legos and his Lincoln Logs so they featured in his play almost every day!

There was a little bit of written/book work thrown in for good measure!
Pictures above are of both boys working on their maths, and the bottom photo is Monkey working on his handwriting!

Though I am a FIRM believer in the pre-school age boy learning mostly through play, I do try to give him some skills based learning through the week as well.  Sometimes he asks to do it and other times I suggest it.
This week he saw his brother (Monkey) working on his weather log and asked to make one too. So I gave him the weather pictures and he pasted them on his own piece of paper.
He also decided the pictures needed trimming so got a chance to work on his cutting as well!

Finally, below is our selection of read alouds for the week.
A mixture of our plant unit study, some other science choices, Humans, Society and the Environment (our history and geography part of the curriculum - and we are studying Australian History this year) and some picture books!  All in all, it was a good week!!

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