Another learning week only this one is a bit disrupted with a birthday at the end!
We still managed LOTS of learning so here are my pictures to wrap up the week.
Some of the Munchkin's choices for the week...
His shelves set up with a selection of toys that "mostly" have to do with the alphabet or the Letter Aa though we still haven't quite got around to officially launching our Letter of the Week program as yet!!
The picture below is his selection of books that he is obsessed with. Both daddy and I get asked numerous times a day to read ALL of them to him!!
I organized this activity to work on his fine motor skills!
It was a great idea until the toothpicks ended up on the floor - then it just became downright dangerous since we all like to walk around barefoot!!
Both the big boys are still VERY keen to work on their handwriting!!
During breaks they enjoyed piggy back rides!
A couple of our read aloud books from early in the week.
We are almost ALWAYS reading something about reptiles or other dangerous animals, regardless of any other themes or unit studies that we might be doing.
We are doing a plant unit study this term (and probably next term as well) but it is slow going at the moment! Reading aloud with a soon to be three year old is INTERESTING at the best of times!!
Our baby fish are getting bigger!!
Our chapter books... Charlotte's Web I'm reading to everyone (and when we finish it we will watch both versions of the movie) and Dingo: The Dog Who Conquered a Continent I am reading only to Monster as part of his Australian History studies this year.
We read a wonderful selection of Aboriginal Dreaming Time stories...
... and an interesting book about animal homes!!
Monster worked hard on his final draft of his IEW paragraph...
... while Munchkin "traced" pictures on the dining room window. He has seen his older brothers do this (they print out pokemon colouring in pictures and then create their own creature by tracing and combining several different ones) so he thought he would give it a try.
We got back into our daily habit of reading the Bible and finished off the book of Romans.
12:15am on the 13th and officially the Monster's birthday... I take a picture of him sleeping every year!!
Friday was a non-structured day with a trip to their favourite park and a stop off at the library! All in all it was a good week!!
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