Sunday, January 25, 2015

Summer School Holidays...

We had an absolutely wonderful summer school holidays... mostly spent relaxing and enjoying time together as a family and time to just relax and do whatever we felt like doing.
Here is a MASSIVE photo dump to give you a peek into all our fun...

 Checking out the Christmas lights in the city...

 Christmas morning photo shoot to model the annual Christmas t-shirts!

 Capturing the joy of opening gifts...

The chance to enjoy those presents straight away...

 A beautiful boxing day spent flying a kite at the park
(while mummy experimented with her Christmas present ~ a digital SLR camera)

 We sneaked in looking at neighbourhood Christmas lights on Boxing Day night!

 Mummy enjoyed taking photos of flowers... LOTS and LOTS of photos of flowers...

 Teaching Monkey how to ride the flying fox...

 Monkey faced his fears and bravely hung on all the way to the end...

 New Years Eve Day was a great time to decorate the gingerbread train...

 ... check out spiders

 ... have a water fight

 ... and do a bit of bird watching!!

 There were thank you notes to write...

books to read...

 and puzzles to put together!

We learned about sea monsters... and Monkey did some drawings!

 We are down to just sand and sky on our Elephants of Namibia puzzle but I refuse to give up!

The boys enjoyed time at the park and a chance to swim in a friends pool.

 There was Bingo with their favourite librarian...

 and my 40th birthday!!

a craft day...

a magic show...

and an afternoon of play dough fun at our local library!

 Followed by a fun and games day with our favourite librarian and another library.

And we finished off with Munchkin mastering one of his harder puzzles and putting it together almost entirely by himself... and Monster shocking me by decided to write a book in capital and lowercase letters for the first time ever!
(Those of you who follow our home school journey closely know what a HUGE deal this is)

So there you have it... our summer holidays!
I'm looking forward to all the learning and wonderful experiences the 2015 school year has to offer our family!

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