Friday, April 4, 2014

Week Nine - Letter Pp

We did MUCH more learning than these few photos represent but here is an idea of some of the activities we enjoyed!

 Munchkin's cupboard/bookshelf and I'm quite pleased with my choices and the way I managed to display them.  Top shelf is stacking cups, farm animal puzzle, and police car wooden puzzle vehicle.
Middle shelf is a shapes puzzle that talks, and his four piece wooden puzzles that he LOVES.
Bottom shelf is his box of Mr Potato Heads and another simple puzzle.

 When we just go out for short trips we no longer need the pram so we can sit on the top level of the train now.  The boys enjoyed the new perspective on our ride to the library.

A hands-on approach to spelling for Monster.
I printed and laminated several sets of the alphabet in both upper and lower case and he can choose to use them to spell out his weekly words for me.
He likes being able to see the word to decide if the letters match the sound of the word.

 Monster and Munchkin watering the plants on the front verandah.
We recently planted a cutting from the rose bush as one of our science experiments.

Fun at the park...

 We enjoyed pizza (and also some popcorn) as part of our Letter of the Week fun!

And a bit of rain allowed for some jumping and stomping in puddles!!

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