After our excursion in the Botanical Gardens one of our friends offered to show us the Sticky shop (candy store) where you can watch the men make some of the different lollies that they sell.
The boys were VERY disappointed that we happened to arrive as they were finishing a batch so we wandered around The Rocks and came back when they started a new batch!
Finish candy before it has been cut for bagging.
Pouring the hot candy syrup on the tray for cooling and the process begins...
Adding colour...
cutting and preparing for rolling...
Stretching the clear candy to make it white...
Assembling the roll that makes the picture in the centre of the candy...
All ready to be stretched... the picture was a raspberry with a twig and leaf...
Stretching and cooling...
Hand cutting the candy into small bite sized pieces...
Now that we know the process we will return to watch again and I will be better prepared to take photos that explain the process a bit better. It didn't help that Munchkin (the baby) was over tired and not interested at all!