Monday, February 25, 2013


The boys love to paint.
I have promised myself I will do a better job with arts and crafts this year.
Giving them more variety.
But also just more time to paint!

So here are two photographs from our first painting session for this school year!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Science Projects

Monster got several science oriented birthday presents this year so we got straight in to them Monday as part of our school day.

First up was a lolly making machine that created creepy crawly creatures!
Carefully measuring the mixture and the water...

Twisting the mixture up in to the mold...

 Placing the mold in the fridge for 10 minutes...

 And "Ta Da" you have a yummy bug lolly to eat!

Our other project for the day was this crystal growing monster.
Both Monster and Monkey enjoyed checking his progress hourly throughout the day!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

First Week of School

Here are the highlights from our first official week of school!

Monkey gets some assistance and some supervision from Munchkin while he works on an alphabet puzzle. 

Working on an alphabet matching game I made for him. 

Monster has turned into an avid and voracious reader over the summer holidays.  He is able to read chapter books right now and will easily read a book of about five chapters in length over the course of one day.  He enjoyed reading this particular book while I worked with Monkey on the activities photographed above. 

Monkey enjoyed working on his Starfall computer reading program while I instructed Monster on his written work (see photo below). 

Monkey also chose some other activities on his own... Design Discoveries (above photo) and Magic Mosaic (photos below).  Both were games that my siblings and I enjoyed when we were in school and I LOVE seeing my children experience them now.

I was very pleased with how Monkey worked with the Magic Mosaic.  The only help he would accept from me was a little bit of fixing of the pieces if he bumped it.  He concentrated and stuck with it until he had a design he was happy with. 

Some of our read aloud selections for our first week.  The two older boys are obsessed with Magic School Bus - the books and the DVDs.  As part of our history this year we have started out with a book about the building of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  When we finish reading we will spend a day in the city touring The Rocks and looking closely at the Bridge.  Finally I LOVED Judy Blume as a child and read the first two books in the Fudge series... I was thrilled to find she has written two more and the boys and I devoured them! 

 Carrying over from last year is our daily Bible reading and character study books!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2013 Photos

The official (NOT) back to school photos for this year!

Monster Year 2

Monkey Preschool

Munchkin Tot School