Friday, October 9, 2015

Term Four: Week One ~ Laryngitis and Backyard Science

The first week of the new term was an interesting one!
All three boys were slowly recovering from horrible coughs - with two trips to the doctor in two days the last week of the holidays.  On top of that I came down with laryngitis and had almost no voice for the whole first week.  

Therefore we deemed the first week of the term a natural learning sort of week and went with the flow!

Legos are a wonderful form of natural learning... I hazard a guess that the boys play with Lego at least a portion of each and every day! 

A friend came over for a cup of tea and a chat mid week so it was time for an impromptu black and white photo shoot - silly faces and all! 

Munchkin enjoyed some puzzles... 

And I found a science experiment while hanging up the laundry.  This wonderful caterpillar was munching away on the weeds in the backyard so I quickly scooped him up and put him in our bug container in hopes that he would spin a cocoon and we could watch the lifecycle of a caterpillar... 

 Laryngitis or not there is always a way to get some reading done!!

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