Saturday, November 25, 2023

Term Four: Week Seven ~ Flowers and Friends

We have hit the time of the year where we are in "finish up" mode. I'm not starting or introducing any new topics or books. We are just putting hard work into finishing whatever I have assigned for the term/year. It is always an exciting time of the year (especially for the boys) as it means they have a long break to look forward to.

This week I finally dug out my DSLR camera and did some photography of flowers in our garden. This is a new, and quite beautiful flower that the landlord planted recently. I love the shape of the flower, but also the colour and the pattern.

Our neighbour who lives behind us grows this beautiful rose and I always try to photograph it when it is blooming. Munchkin has recently taken a cutting and it trying to grow it so we can have our own bush.

Monkey finished off this Premier's Reading Challenge book this week - which was going to count towards next year's challenge - until he received his PRC medal in the mail this week and we realised that he has completed the entire challenge. I will still help him pick quality books from the library for his independent reading time, but no longer taking part in the Premier's Reading Challenge takes a lot of pressure off his reading for him.

Unit study books we finished this week for Munchkin and Monkey. The Chemistry book was really good. Sadly, Monkey and I were a bit disappointed with the Kublai Khan book as it didn't meet our expectations.

This is my childhood copy of "Superfudge" by Judy Blume. It has been so well loved that the paper jacket disintegrated years ago. I read the book aloud to the two older boys years ago, but somehow never managed to read it to Munchkin. Monster pointed that out to me and so it was a quick book that we could read before the end of the term. All three boys LOVED the book and I enjoyed reading it as well - Judy Blume books have always been a favourite of mine.

Lego time at the Thursday After School Activity time...

Munchkin made a pattern using ALL the cheese slopes he could find.

Friday night dinner with friends for the older boys before heading off to youth group...

Ultimately I intend to get my walking back on track so that I'm hitting my goal of 7500 steps EVERY day - but that isn't going to happen right now. I'm just happy to get as much walking in as I can during this busy time of year.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Term Four: Week Six ~ Excursion For Munchkin

The excitement of this week was spotting a large, healthy Blue Tongue Lizard on our back verandah one day. We think this might mean we have three resident lizards but it is so hard to know. We definitely have two different lizards with two different injuries, and now we either have one or two super healthy lizards as well. This particular lizard was very nervous around us, so we were careful not to scare him/her too much. After awhile, the lizard just slowly walked the length of the verandah, down the stairs, and off to wherever home is.

Apologies for the blurry lines in the photos - I had to photograph through our screen door as opening it for clearer photos would have meant scaring the lizard away.

Curriculum unit study reading aloud that we finished this week - plus a literature selection for Munchkin. I'm not quite sure what he thought of "The House at Pooh Corner" but it had been decades since I had read it, so it was a fun experience for me.

Board Games at the library for Thursday After School Activities is always a highlight of our week. The library alternates three activities - Lego, Board Games, and Craft - with Lego sandwiched in between the other two. 

Friday was a SUPER exciting day for Munchkin as he got to go to the city on an excursion with his best friends. They had an extra ticket to the Pharaohs exhibit at The Australian Museum and offered to take him along.

It was a beautiful day for an excursion to the city. All these photos are credited to my best friend who documented the experience so I would have photos to show for homeschool registration.

After the Pharaoh experience they had fun in other parts of the museum - enjoying the magic sand and the microscopes.