This was a week of "celebrations" of sorts for us. I don't know when (or even if) there has ever been a time when Mother's Day was on the Sunday and our anniversary was on the Saturday, but it worked out that way this year. (No I'm NOT motivated to look at the last 23 years calendars to figure that one out!)
Hubby wanted to take me out somewhere on Mother's Day... I vetoed lunch out and instead suggested a visit to a favourite second hand bookstore that I had not visited since before Monster was born. They have since moved to a MUCH smaller building, but it was still impressive!
If you can see the book that Monkey is holding in his arm in the left hand photo, the title is "Twenty Centuries of World Maps" and he was so excited when we told him he could buy it. For those of you who may not already know, Monkey is fascinated with geography in general, and anything to do with maps and flags specifically.
Monster found this gem for Munchkin's Godmother (she is collecting them) so after a quick phone call it got added to our stack.
This was my haul of books from the trip. The two Colleen McCullough books were what I was specifically looking for. The John Irving books were spontaneous purchases and then I found the other two books literally five minutes before the store closed. It was a VERY good Mother's day!

Finished read alouds for the week...
Left Photo is a book I read aloud to Munchkin.
Right Photo was read aloud to Monkey.
Junior non-fiction read alouds for Munchkin.
Literature read aloud finished for Munchkin.
Left Photo was a fun read aloud with Munchkin.
After School Activities at the library have added board games into the rotation.
Munchkin and his bestie (Mr L) enjoyed a game or two of chess...
While the mums, Miss A and Mr J enjoyed a huge game of snakes and ladders.
The trees at the library are always beautiful this time of year.
Saturday night hubby and I celebrated 23 years of marriage. We FINALLY got to try the Mexican restaurant in town and it was quite nice. I love that the boys are old enough that we no longer have to worry about baby-sitters. After dinner we went home and kicked the kids out of the lounge room so we could watch episodes of Law & Order: SVU - the simple things in life are the best.
My walking for the week...
Munchkin's independent reading for the week.