Munchkin is ever so thankful that the weather is a bit drier (at least for now) so that he can enjoy the trampoline a little more frequently.
On this particular day he spent quite a lot of time jumping and touching his heels to his bum!
We finished a stack of non-fiction selections this week. The Journey of Life series is quite good so I'm glad I made the decision to read it this year. We found all the other selections above to be interesting and high quality.

Excitement all around when hubby went out to the garage one afternoon. He called me out because he actually thought the lizard was dead. But I got close enough to it to irritate it a little bit and it hissed and moved. This is the second injured Blue Tongue lizard we have found on our property. This one is missing both feet on the side facing the camera. Our other injured lizard is missing a leg and has a fairly significant wound on the side of its face. This lizard has clearly lost its tail recently which probably made winter a bit difficult for it as they store fat in their tail. A good friend of mine (who owns Blue Tongue lizards) told me how to best catch the lizard if we wanted to try to move it, but when I got close it hissed and ran in between some boxes so we decided to leave it and see if it would leave on its own.
This was the hiding spot it chose after I angered it trying to coax it out the door with a soft broom.
We left the garage door open and Munchkin decided it was his job to go outside and check on the lizard regularly. After about 30 minutes we discovered the lizard out in the backyard and well away from the garage.
Munchkin's hand wound is healing up nicely and again it appears we have a wound that will heal without an infection. This brings us to three wounds that have healed without needing medical attention and/or antibiotics and I'm really pleased. I actually think that having his appendix removed has improved Munchkin's general health and his immune response specifically.
Early morning school work. What doesn't show in this picture is the fact that it is about 7am and he is diligently working away on all his schoolwork. He got the brilliant idea to see if he could finish a week worth of work in just a few days - hence giving himself a whole day where he doesn't have to do any schoolwork at all. He achieved his goal and finished all his assigned work by Thursday morning giving him the rest of Thursday and all of Friday free to do as he wished.
Thursday After School Activity time and this week was Lego! Plus his best friend was back so it was happy days and loads of fun!
As the week finished it was clear that his hand was going to heal without an infection and this had everyone really pleased. It looks weird, and was quite itchy, but it was clean and clear.
My walking for the week was erratic again. I'm still trying to consistently walk 7500 steps per day. Below the stars are Munchkin's independent read aloud selections... continue to browse through the remainder of the blog post if you are interested in seeing his eclectic choice of books.