Saturday, August 29, 2020

Term Three: Week Six ~ Bugs, Books and Belated Birthday Celebrations

Week six and the second half of the term is upon us. We can feel that spring is around the corner as the weather slowly warms up and flowers and trees are starting to bloom everywhere. This was an exciting week for us as we started it with a visit from a dear friend of ours. She missed out (thanks to COVID) on celebrating Munchkin's birthday in April and Monkey's birthday in July. So we arranged a special afternoon together with presents and delicious food. The rest of the week we worked hard on written work, continued reading all our wonderful books, and enjoyed the wonderful sunshine when we got outdoors.

I will continue to photograph our stack of books every Sunday afternoon after they are released from their three day quarantine. Once COVID is behind us, I will simply photograph the stack we bring home with us after our weekly trip to the library on Thursdays. This is an easy way to see when we have checked books out. Given that we have had some confusion as to when books have been returned as well, I'm now keeping a list of what books I return each Thursday as well. There is only so much faith I have in technology and sometimes the computer scanner in the overnight return chute just doesn't work right. 

Monster is nearly finished with another puzzle... this is his Sunday night progress! 

 Munchkin opening his wonderful gifts from our friend... she has a knack for finding really special and meaningful gifts for the boys and they were super excited!

 Monkey diving in to his pile of presents... he was gifted with an activity book, a build your own ball shooter toy, and lots of art supplies. He was in heaven!

Monday night Monster finished his puzzle... 

Tuesday night he promptly started a new puzzle... 

 Munchkin began his mathematics review on Khan Academy this week... there were tears and drama until I agreed to open an account for him so that his work would earn him points that he can use to upgrade an Avatar! Whatever it takes to motivate him... now he LOVES it and begs to work on it longer than the time I've scheduled... Munchkin also loved running ahead of the rest of us as we enjoyed a walk in the sunshine!

Munchkin playing Uno Stacko with daddy... 

Another afternoon walk... this time on the boardwalk to the wetlands... you probably can't see them well but along the log at the top of the photograph are tons of tiny fish! 

We found a baby hairy caterpillar when we were walking along the boardwalk so we carefully brought him home and placed him in our bug house. I will get better photos when I feed him through the next week since you can't really see him at all in this photo. 

More puzzle progress from Monster... 

Monkey found a baby cricket in the house and decided to release the pill bug and keep the cricket... Sadly when he was doing the transfer the cricket jumped away and we couldn't catch him again. Thankfully we get LOTS of crickets in the house in the spring and summer so the bug house is ready and waiting for the next one we find... 

He was a cute little cricket and we were sad to see him go... 

A photo of the pill bug as he was running away to freedom... 

We checked out the construction progress on our way home from the library on Thursday afternoon. Believe it or not this is going to be four apartments when it is all finished. We are enjoying see the progress whenever we walk along our new footpath/sidewalk. 

Thursday night puzzle progress... 

Munchkin and daddy working together to build the jet engine kit that Munchkin received from our dear friend on Monday... 

Finally some Friday afternoon sunshine and exercise on the trampoline! 

 Munchkin did a LOT of independent reading this week... the two older boys also read the How to Train Your Dragon books through the week as well.

 We finished two non-fiction read alouds this week as well!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Term Three: Week Five ~ Play Time, Puzzles, Book and Trampoline Time

Winter may still be showing off with cold blasts and high winds, but signs of spring are on the way! Below is the beautiful flower I photographed after church Sunday afternoon.

Our Sunday afternoon pile of books, out of quarantine and ready to be read! 

Monster is finishing a puzzle a week just about. This one was even 1500 pieces, so we thought it would give him a bit more of a challenge!! 

 With the high winds that kick up each day, walking has not been the most pleasant activity. But thanks to a dear friend who gifted us her trampoline, the boys are still able to get some sunshine, fresh air, and burn off their energy.

Another puzzle in the works... 

 An afternoon enjoying self-directed learning and activities.
Munchkin asked for the Lincoln Logs from the toy cupboard and Monkey found a pill bug and decided he wanted to keep it as a pet for awhile, so he set to work creating a home in the bug catcher.

More puzzle progress... 

More trampoline fun... 

Still more puzzle progress... 

The only photographic proof of the structured written work the boys did this week. Munchkin finished the Haese Mathematics Yr 4 (4th Grade) textbook. I have decided not to allow him to move forward into the Yr 5 textbook... instead we will use Khan Academy to review both Yr 3 and Yr 4 maths, and get his multiplication tables memorized well before we continue. 

Thursday night puzzle progress... 

Photo Credit for the above two photos is Munchkin!
He built these Lego Duplo creations and wanted to photograph them to be displayed on the blog. I'm not sure what the top photo is but the bottom photo is his Blue Whale. 

Independent reading for Munchkin... he is an EARLY riser and is finally learning to curl up somewhere and quietly read while I adjust to being awake at that hour. 

 Munchkin's evening read aloud literature book is now chosen from the Henry Huggins series.

 Read aloud science and history for the three boys...

Munchkin still likes to have a few picture books from the library each week... 

We finished this GREAT book all about music... it was fun and interesting. 

More Deltora Quest fun for Munchkin... 

I've had a good dose of Dickens this school year! I read Oliver Twist to Monkey and Great Expectations to Monster. We enjoyed them and I'm glad to say I've finally read both of these classics. 

 We are wrapping up Monkey's Australian Gold Rush unit study... just a couple of chapter books and we'll have finished. We are all enjoying learning more about this time in Australian history.

I read this book aloud to Monster and it was exceptional. It alternated being surprising me and utterly disgusting me. In order to make a change, we must be willing to learn the truth about the past and admit the wrong that has been done. 

 More independent reading... Munchkin on the left and Monster on the right

 An excellent read aloud selection that I read aloud to Monkey and Monster.