Saturday, March 28, 2020

Term One: Week Nine ~ Isolation Begins, Infections Fester, and Spiders Camp Out

I don't think we'll ever look back at the year 2020 and call it boring.
First the bush fires, the the flooding rain, and now COVID-19.
But I am trusting and believing that good things will come from this year, as our silver lining in what I'm sure will be labeled the worst year ever.
I will say to, that while we are seasoned homeschoolers, and suddenly being at home more isn't something foreign to us, it IS an adjustment for us as well. We DO leave the house... for church, for trips to the library, for social play dates at the park with our friends in homeschool group, and for excursions all around our beautiful city. So as the isolation continues and gets more strict, it will mean adjustments for us as well... but at least our structured book learning goes on per normal.

This little spider has taken up residence on our clothes line. Every night she builds a web that stretches from the midpoint of the line, to the railing for the back verandah. Every day I carefully hang the laundry trying not to utterly destroy her beautiful creation. Yet nearly every day, I do so much damage, that I know she will go hungry until the next day.

This is Munchkin's arm. He scraped it a week ago, and it wasn't a bad scrape and it happened in the home, so we basically ignored it. Lesson learned... next time we'll at least wash the wound to make sure it is cleaned out well. Trust me when I say that this was an improvement. This photograph was taken Thursday morning. Monday, when I took him to the doctor, it was angry and weeping gross gunk. Never a dull moment in this house I tell you, even in isolation. 

 Independent reading for the Munchkin... two chapter books (above photos) and two easy picture books.

 A lovely picture book I read to the boys about Katherine Johnson... we are preparing to watch the movie Hidden Figures so we started with this picture book, we'll continue with a DK biography about her, and then the movie.

Independent selections for Monkey... 

 I finished reading White Fang aloud to Monster this week - and we both really enjoyed it. He also read yet another Horrible Histories book independently.

Another independent selection for Munchkin. 

 Read aloud selections... The Upside Down History of Down Under was primarily for Munchkin's history unit study as we begin to study Australian history. However the older boys listened to and loved it. Then I read Salty and Sugary Snacks to Monkey and Monster. They were suitably grossed out... which is good!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Term One: Week Eight ~ Changes

The world is changing rapidly right before our eyes. With COVID-19 spreading ever further across the world, hubby and I are having to create a new normal for our life and our family. Hence, my photographs of our structured learning time are nowhere to be seen this week. But the work still got done, and as we all adjust to what life will look like in the weeks and months to come, my photographic journal will improve. For now, if you are interested, enjoy browsing the books the boys enjoyed this week.

Can you tell we are enjoying Sushi Go Party? We play it nearly every single day... 

 Along with the Tom Gates book (see below) Munchkin has been enjoying binge reading the Treehouse books.

It is going to take some work to convince Munchkin that he needs to return these books to the library and let someone else read them too. 

Monster's Independent selections for the week... 

Monster never tires of reading books from the Horrible Histories series. 

Both Munchkin and Monkey enjoyed this book during the week... 

 We finished off the last two books in the Marly series as part of our read aloud time this week. Sadly this ends ALL of the Our Australian Girl books... until next year when I start reading them aloud to Munchkin... he has heard little snippets as I've read them to Monkey this year and he is already excited and looking forward to the experience.

 More Treehouse reading that Munchkin did...

I FINALLY convinced Munchkin to give some of the Roald Dahl books a try as they are all featured on the Premier's Reading Challenge list. He has listened to all the books on audio, but has now also discovered the love of reading them independently. 

 Our selection of Pamela Allen books were enjoyed one afternoon, as he chose a newer book of hers to add to his Premier's Reading Challenge list for this year.

 Both Munchkin and Monkey are enjoying the How to Train Your Dragon books. Thankfully our library has all but one of them available.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Term One: Week Seven ~ Belated Birthday Celebrations,School Work, and the Wooden Train Set

We began our week with a belated birthday celebration for Monster. A dear friend of ours was unable to attend his birthday party, so she spent the Monday afternoon with us, and we enjoyed good friendship, delicious food, and Monster was blessed with amazing gifts.

Having a good look at the Code Crackers book...

And showing much joy over the game Sushi Go Party!! I have wanted to get this game for quite some time now and was thrilled that Monster received it as a gift.

Straight away we gave the game a try and LOVED it!

Munchkin and Monster both working hard on their school work...

Monkey working on the cards he is creating for a game that he, Munchkin, and some friends from homeschool group are creating together.

Munchkin and I enjoyed a game of Blockus one afternoon.

Lastly, Munchkin spent a good portion of one day building this creative track through the playroom. It kept him busy and entertained for quite a long time.