Saturday, January 25, 2020

School Holidays: Week Six ~ Regeneration

Our final week of school holidays. We relaxed and enjoyed a couple of school holidays activities at our local library (see below). I worked hard at home preparing the last bits for the new school term. I filled out their schedules on their calendar pages for the first two weeks of the term and also put a STACK of library books on reserve for all the lovely unit studies we'll be doing this term.  In between all of that, we enjoyed lots of tennis on TV as the Australian Open tennis tournament began Monday morning. It started a week later than usual this year as the players arranged a "Rally for Relief" showcase to raise money for the bush fire relief funds.

 It seems the boys sunflower plants weathered the couple of days of extreme heat well, and both Monkey and Munchkin are thrilled to see flowers emerging.

 I was beyond relieved to see that the rain we received the previous week revived the Tibouchina tree that grows in the garden strip along our driveway. It was looking very sad and sickly this summer despite me regularly watering it with buckets of grey water.

Monday morning we attended an author talk at the library. Here Monkey and Munchkin listen intently to the presentation. 

 The author was Chris Collin and he has written the series of Funky Chicken books - which I had never heard of before. He read some of his books, had some of the children dress in costumes and dance, and then gave them a little drawing lesson. It was brilliant. Click on the link I've attached to Chris Collin's name above for more information about the books.

 Both Monkey and Munchkin enjoyed the drawing lesson...

Their finished products... Munchkin's on the left and Monkey's on the right...

Tuesday morning Munchkin and I walked back up to the library because he won the summer reading challenge - reading 240 books between 1st December and 19th January. He is now the proud owner of Connect 4 Shots and thoroughly enjoyed getting this fun picture taken with our one of our favourite librarians, Alison! 

 Enjoying figuring out how to play the game...

Wednesday morning was all about their FAVOURITE library school holidays event... BINGO! They have lots of fun and win lots of lollies!! 

We finished off our week with their normal computer time at the library to enjoy the games on the Roblox website. We don't use that website at home for security reasons... so while they play I do my own work on another computer, or I look for books to check out... or if I'm REALLY lucky... 

 I'm able to sit just outside the computer room and read. But my success in this endeavour depends on how quiet it is in the open areas of the library and how well behaved the boys are in the computer room. This particular week they were very well behaved, the library was quiet, and I was able to finish my book!

All in all, it was a fabulous final week of the summer school holidays. We are rested, recharged, and ready for another year of learning. I look forward to sharing our 2020 learning adventures with you all.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

School Holidays: Week Five ~ The Rain Finally Arrives

The rain FINALLY arrived this week!
We also enjoyed some school holiday events at the library, some nature walks, and board games. And then we sat back and enjoyed the glorious rain!! 

Munchkin and I tried to go on a nature walk on the boardwalk through the wetlands... 

 First of all we got sidetracked by the spiders we discovered...

Then we got to the boardwalk and discovered we couldn't go any further because the boardwalk was flooded. We had a super high tide because of the full moon as the rain hadn't arrived yet... 

On the 13th of January the boys and I discovered about a dozen Black Cockatoos in the tree across the road. They were sitting and eating and chattering away to each other. When Black Cockatoos are around and chatting with each other it means rain is 48-72 hours away. So we photographed them and then waited patiently... 

 We enjoyed a games morning at the library... The boys especially enjoyed playing The Minecraft Card Game as well as Exploding Kittens!

A lazy afternoon reading and relaxing... 

Monkey created his own Minecraft game and it is really clever... I enjoyed playing the game with him one afternoon! 

We spent an afternoon playing Mexican Trains after a refresher to relearn the game when we visited our friends the week before! 

And then on Wednesday the rain arrived...

We finished off the week with a mini-book craft event at the library...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

School Holidays: Week Four ~ Birthday Celebrations and Other Stuff

Week Four of school holidays already and time for birthday celebrations for me. The boys continue to enjoy a very laid back time playing board games, working on jigsaw puzzles, and reading LOTS of books for the summer reading challenge.

We were pleasantly surprised to discover two pair of Superb Fairy Wrens in the backyard one afternoon. My photos are shocking because they move so quickly, but if you click on the link (Superb Fairy Wrens above) you can see some better photos. 

 Monster enjoyed putting together a magnetic puzzle he received from friends for his birthday...

 We continue to work on life skills every day... On the left, Monster is fixing himself a lebanese bread pizza for lunch... On the right, Munchkin was my dinner helper for the night and grated some of the cheese needed for taco and burrito night.

 We've been enjoying LOTS of board games and card games over the holidays...
I enjoyed a good game of Qwirkle with Monster...

Some Tic-Tac-Two and Chinese Checkers with Munchkin... 

And Monopoly Deal card game with Munchkin as well... 

Finally, we ended the week celebrating my birthday. Friday (my actual birthday) was another VERY hot day so we stayed and home and did as little as possible in an attempt to keep cool. But on Saturday we were off to visit some dear friends for a belated Christmas and New Years get together... as well as birthday celebrations for me.

After a delicious BBQ lunch the three boys opened their Christmas gifts to give some time for their lunch to settle in their stomachs... 

Then, while the adults enjoyed cups of tea and some discussion, the boys enjoyed themselves in the pool. 

Finally, we enjoyed afternoon tea with a birthday cake and presents for me, followed by some board games before we headed home in the evening. It was a wonderful way to end this week.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

School Holidays: Week Three ~ Happy New Year

The half-way mark of the school holidays!!

Monkey has created his own Minecraft game. 

The boys are really enjoying taking turns teaching me how to play the Battleship card game. 

New Year's Eve card games as we wait for the fireworks... 

One of our clients has a BRILLIANT view of the Harbour Bridge from his office... 

It was the week of board games... enjoying a game of Mancala with Munchkin. 

Battleship card game and Monopoly Deal with Munchkin... 

 Munchkin taking part in the prize portions of the Summer Reading Challenge...

Munchkin worked hard on a 300-piece Jungle Book puzzle... 

More Battleship... 

And we finish off the week with a very smoke hazed sunset...