We are winding down... finishing up the last of our work in our textbooks... and enjoying some natural learning along the way.
Monkey really enjoyed this measuring page in his maths book.
Munchkin did some handwriting catch-up work. His super excitement from the first week he had his school books has dwindled substantially. Since he is only in kindergarten, and NOT officially registered for homeschooling, I don't push a lot of written work.
I found this book during a recent library visit. I'm not sure yet what the best way to utilize it is... whether we should read each unit/section as it pertains to what we are studying, or just read it straight through.
Monster working diligently on his unit about angles.
Munchkin LOVES his alphabet scrapbook. Each two page spread is devoted to his Letter of the Week and he sorts through a pile of pictures cut out from magazines and finds the ones that match the letter and then glues them in.
The Lego Factastic book prompted some creative Lego constructions one afternoon. These are all Monkey's diosaurs he created. Although I think the top left one might be the Mnchkin's work now that I look at them more closely. Monkey informed me that the top right construction is a dinosaur skeleton, while the bottom left is the dinosaur with his muscles and skin.
Our resident spider amused us one morning with her antics. She caught a rather large fly one morning so wrapped it up, ate her web, and then carried her meal up to her daytime sleeping spot.
Monsoonal rains always bring mushrooms. Generally we only get clusters of small ones in our grass in the front yard, but this year we got these beautiful big ones in one of our pot plants. I'm glad I snapped a photo, the torrential rain through the day pulverized them.
Lots and lots of reading this week.