It seems I'm struggling to pick up my camera these days.
Not just for the purpose of recording our school adventures, but for other things as well.
So please accept my apologies as it seems photographs will be lean... but I will work hard to mend my ways.
The term (and the year) are winding to a close and with it our motivation is waning as well. We are working hard to finish up our maths and handwriting workbooks, and still doing our read alouds, but the rest of our day is dedicated to free time and free play.
Monkey and Munchkin decided to do some painting one afternoon. The top painting is Monkey's picture (he is 7yrs old) and the bottom painting is Munchkin's painting (he is 4.5yr old). He wanted to "copy" his brother's painting so it had to be on display on the table while he worked on his. I'm quite interested and impressed with his "adaptation" of his brother's picture.
Hands-on maths pages in the workbook are ALWAYS a hit. Monkey was THRILLED to be able to use the pan balance and some Legos to weigh a variety of household items.
While the two older boys worked on their book work, Munchkin got busy creating with the Legos. He was enjoying building robots - you might be able to see one near his leg in this bottom photo.
Monster was just as thrilled as Monkey to find a hands-on maths page for one of his assignments this week as well. He had to create a tree diagram to show all the different combinations possible for various extra options on a purchased car (colour, type of wheel, etc)
Friday we attended homeschool group and the boys enjoyed digging for dinosaur bones in the dirt with some new friends who just joined. It was a great and relaxing way to end the week.
Our books for the week...
The Beast Quest obsession continues... though it is slowing!!
A fun adaptation of a classic story.
Yes, one of the books is the same from the above picture, simply because both boys read all the books, but at different times and in different order.
The boys are LOVING all the Ramona books - they are GREAT for reading aloud!
I love that I now sympathise with the parents more than Ramona these days! But the boys can't understand why I laugh at things in the book that they don't see as being funny!
The Wombat books are a HUGE hit with Munchkin so each Thursday we have to scour the picture book section of the library and take ANY wombat book that is available.
For our English (Grammar) this term we've been reading The Word Spy and The Return of the Word Spy and they have been FASCINATING. A bit over Munchkin's head really but the other two LOVED these books.