We made it through this crazy, upside down, wild, relatively unstructured, bizarre term! I am actually looking forward to typing up our Term Review as I'm sure it will show me that we got a LOT more accomplished than it feels like we did.
BUT, until then, week ten was mostly filled with natural learning, so here are the photos that showcase that!
Munchkin spent lots of time playing with Suspend, a very cool Melissa and Doug balance game.
I love it when I catch the older boys helping out their younger brother. Here Monkey is showing Munchkin what to do on one of his computer games.
Despite some rainy weather through the week, we were able to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. The boys scootered while I played around with my manual settings some more.
There was fort building...
Target practice (with Lego mini figures and the Nerf gun) - sorry my photos are shocking because I wasn't doing a good job of working with the lighting.
This plastic construction set is the BEST and all three boys still enjoy building creations.
We finished off our week with our homeschool group meeting at our very favourite park. All three boys enjoyed scootering, climbing, and Monster practiced his newly learning bike riding skills. Despite how bad the weather looks in the photos, it cleared up around lunchtime, and we were there from 10:30am until 4:30pm and then we walked/scootered the 2.5kms home.
We checked Lego Robots and Lego Castles out from the library, and I have been spending some of my evenings sorting through the many boxes of Lego that the boys were recently given by a friend of ours, so there has been much imaginative Lego building going on.
This is MY reading for the week. The first book in a series called The Matilda Saga. There are five books in the series so far and a sixth will be out in bookstores in December. I have read the whole series once already, but decided I will read it all over again while I wait (NOT SO PATIENTLY) for the next book!! ;-)
Monster's independent reading for the week. He is loving this history series. Each book showcases a person who is portrayed on the Australian currency (the notes).
I FINALLY found my Ramona books - I had packed them in a plastic box that is stored under the back porch/verandah. So I read this first book aloud to Monkey this week and he LOVED it. He is eager to listen to the whole series.
Monster's geography/history and science independent reading for the week. The Greek book is WAY below his reading level. It is even too easy for Monkey now, but the boys enjoyed the story and the information even if it was easy reading.
Munchkin was super pleased when we could check out his very favourite book from the library again. I am thinking this just might have to be a Christmas present for him this year so he can keep it forever. But we'll see if the obsession continues that long!!
Some more Easy Reader books. The library had stacks of new books when we arrived this week. This is a whole series of books so I grabbed them all and both older boys are enjoying reading them independently when they have a few minutes of waiting time.