Friday, November 27, 2015

Term Four: Week Eight ~ Playdough Creations and Games

The boys enjoyed some sensory play with play dough this week and there were many original creations!

Both Monkey and Munchkin created "Stegosaurus Snakes" 

And this was just your ordinary, every day turtle! 

Monster enjoyed some water displacement maths experiments. 

And there were board games to play... 

Monkey continues to read 1-2 early reader books to me daily...

 Monster's independent choices for the week

 Two more of Monkey's read aloud choices...

 And finally our selection of read aloud picture books that I read to all three boys in the evenings.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Term Four: Week Seven ~ Painting and Sensory Play

Lots of hands-on learning happening this week... my boys favourite kind!
Munchkin always enjoys putting together a good puzzle.
He doesn't REALLY need any help with this one... he just like moral support!

We enjoyed a painting afternoon...
First some inexpensive water colour painting...

Then I decided it was high time we gave these a try... 

Finally Munchkin asked for "regular" paint!! 

Then we tried out some sensory play by making some slime...
We gathered our simple ingredients - psyllium husks and food colouring

Mixed them in a bowl with some water...
Microwaved it... 

And presto... a fun slimy goop to play with!! 

 An example of the kinds of words Monkey is capable of reading these days...
as well as the amount of words he is reading!