Friday, August 28, 2015

Term Three: Week Seven ~ Chugging Along

As the term begins to wind down... we chug along with our learning!

Monkey is always excited when his maths page is a hands on learning page. 

We gathered the items we would need... and he got started! 

Not to be left out... Munchkin decided to conduct his own maths measuring experiments in the bathroom.  So as Monkey finished with each object, Munchkin would come collect them, carry them off to the bathroom, and measure in his own creative way! 

We are working hard at getting back into the habit of daily Bible reading. 

A good portion of one afternoon was spent sorting through and dealing with Monkey's Lego collection which was beginning to get out of hand. I was quite proud of both older boys for sticking with it and seeing the project to completion - and it took somewhere between three and four hours. 

Munchkin was quite excited to find his dinosaur puzzle (which was hidden behind some other things in the cupboard) and he eagerly put the whole thing together with very little help from me. 

Munchkin and Monster both spent a good deal of time playing with the table top bowling game I found at Kmart. 

 I am trying to include more life skills in our daily life!

The week ended with our homeschool group meeting at our favourite local park.  Munchkin and Monkey spent a lot of the day pouring over one of the other boy's Lego Ideas Book. 

 While another friend graciously helped Munchkin get over his fear of the flying fox after falling off it the last time he rode.

Finally... our read aloud selection for the week... VERY heavy on the science!  We seem to have a mini unit on space going, along with our human body unit study and our ever continuing dangerous animal obsession.  But we also enjoyed our Australian history chapter book as well!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Term Three: Week Six ~ Excursion

The photos for this week are in random order... 

We started the week with some Magic School Bus videos that correlate with our human body unit study.  This video covered cells and the sense of smell. 

Munchkin asked for the Design Discoveries game... 

Monster worked hard on his maths... he is working through the Year 4 and Year 5 textbook simultaneously. 

Munchkin enjoyed some water play in the bathroom sink. 

We ended the week with an excursion to the city to attend "The Glow Show" at one of the popular museums that focuses mainly on science. The show itself was not that fantastic really, and I felt could have been organized and presented much better, but the boys enjoyed it and afterwards we were free to roam the rest of the museum. 

There was a special model train display at the museum and the boys spent a bit of time checking it out.  All three of them thoroughly enjoyed controlling this particular model train (seen in top picture). 

Munchkin is big enough now that he is able to explore a lot of the exhibits on his own with little or no help! 

A little Thomas the Train set with an attached touch pad that lets you control certain aspects of the scene (lights etc). 

Monkey had fun "riding" this old fashioned bicycle even though he couldn't reach the pedals! 

He was also very pleased with himself when he pedaled fast enough to power up the fire truck fully! 

We always end our time at this museum with a visit to the Wiggles portion of the museum.  While it is GREAT for learning the history of the group it is sensory overload with lots of visual and auditory sections all crammed into a small area.  But the boys LOVE it!!!  Above, Munchkin is enjoying a "fruit salad" hands on section where he can cut wooden fruits in half and create his own salad in a bowl. 

Meanwhile the big boys enjoyed a video game version of "fruit salad" making where they have to smash the fruit as it falls from the sky! 

Finally, though only Munchkin is featured in these two photos, all three boys enjoy this interactive "colouring" area where you touch the screen to add colour to the Wiggles pictures. 

Last but not least... our selection of books for the week!

 We used the DK Human book (photo above right) for some more information about senses as the library didn't have many books on the subject unfortunately.