Friday, April 24, 2015

Week One ~ Toddler Time, Cyclones, and Men's Breakfasts

What an interesting first week of the term!
Nothing went quite as I expected... but we made it through and we are excited for what this term has to offer us!

Monday was a GREAT day out for the big boys.  They attended an all day (well 9am-3pm) Lego Building day at my friend's church.  She picked them up and dropped them off so Munchkin and I had the day at home to ourselves.

We built this Lincoln Log house together (several times as it got knocked over)...

 Munchkin helped me with some household chores...

We played with the Potato Head collection...

... and NO day is complete in this house unless it involves Legos!!

Tuesday the real fun began when the cyclone arrived!
This was indeed a Category 2 cyclone and the WORST storm Sydney has seen since I moved here.  We spent Monday ~ Wednesday huddled up in the house (it was quite cold as well) watching and listening to the torrential rain!

We had some minor flooding as you can see from these photos, but otherwise we weathered the storm much better than a LOT of people.

Despite the weather we did manage to get some structured work done (like maths pre-tests) and we did some reading aloud, I just didn't manage to photograph those events!!

Finally, although this was Saturday morning, I couldn't help but include this photo of the "men's breakfast" the boys enjoyed with daddy while I cleaned our church before we headed off to a combined 1 year old and 5 year old party for some friends!!

It was a good start to the term!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

School Holidays ~ Always Learning

The boys and I enjoyed a much deserved break for the Easter School Holidays.
But we are always learning even when our "formal school terms" are not in session so there was LOTS of learning happening this April.
Enjoy my HUGE selection of photos...

 We started our holidays with Easter weekend and helping this little guy celebrate his 2nd birthday.  So Easter Sunday afternoon was spent at an indoor playground (photo below).

 The kids (young and old) had a blast and this giant slide was a BIG hit with everyone!!

 Then Easter Monday it was off to the zoo (with the same family as Easter Sunday - extended birthday celebrations)!!
This was my first trip to the zoo since getting my new camera and boy did I have fun!!

 Munchkin made sure that one of the first things we did was check out the frogs!
Seeing the frogs had been on his list of things to see during our last trip and we forgot.  I have NEVER heard the end of it since... from last November until now... anytime the zoo was mentioned Munchkin made sure to remind me that he missed out seeing the frogs!!

 We were surprised and delighted to see that the Bongo has had a baby!

 It is tradition to photograph the boys in the Fennec Fox ears EVERY time we go to the zoo.

The Meerkats are one of my FAVOURITE animals to visit when we go to the zoo!

 I think this is the first time I have EVER seen the Fennec Fox!

Being able to go INSIDE the new Lemur exhibit was AMAZING!!

Just before 3pm we got a rainstorm which cancelled the spider show... so the boys played in the semi-covered playground instead!

 We were pestered by turkeys... who appeared to be after food as they kept investigating the pram and found something to nibble on!!

 We caught a glimpse of the rather rain bedraggled peacock who was NOT interested in showing off his beautiful feathers!

 The Saltwater Crocodile was keeping an eye on us!

The zoo was filled with Golden Orb Weaver spiders!

There were Navy ships and rain clouds in the Harbour!!

The Pelican and Seal were unimpressed with the weather!

 The elephants were enjoying an afternoon snack of blocks of wood which they alternated between playing with and eating!  Such fun to photograph their antics!!

 On to see beautiful birds...

 Playful sea otters...

 and the Koi!
All up it was a wonderful and fun learning experience at the zoo!

 Weather in Sydney in April can be variable and volatile and this year is no exception so ANY time the weather allowed we spent an hour or two at the park!!

 ... enjoying the playground equipment...

 ... and appreciating nature!!

 Lots of fun family time was enjoyed at the park!!

 While Munchkin enjoyed Octonauts videos on YouTube...

Monster and Monkey enjoyed playing Bingo with their FAVOURITE librarian at the special Bingo day he holds EVERY school holidays.
It is the highlight of each holiday for both of them and they will cancel just about anything to make sure they can attend!


One of the things I love about homeschooling is that despite the 3 year age gaps the boys still enjoy spending time together and playing with each other.

 More fun creatures found during a family evening walk to the park.

 Another HUGE bonus to homeschooling (since hubby owns his own business and can somewhat set his own hours) is that we can spend quality time together as a family at all different times of the day/week/month/year!

 Last but certainly not least we ended the holidays by celebrating Munchkin turning THREE!
On his actual birthday there was a play date with the boys best friends...

Followed by a party in the park that weekend for all his friends!
What a wonderful April School Holidays!
We are refreshed and ready for some more structured learning!