Friday, February 28, 2014

Week Four - Letter Tt

Not quite sure what happened with this week but nothing seemed to go as planned.
So, the only photos I have are from homeschool group.
Thank goodness this Letter of the Week program has review weeks scheduled in it because we are going to need some time to catch up!!

 T is for train set - both Monkey and Munchkin enjoyed the wooden train set that one of the other mothers brought for the younger children to enjoy.

Meanwhile the older children learned about hydraulics and looked at several machines that some of the children had been building.  You can buy kits but some of the children used their imagination and built from scratch!

 After our session it was off for a play at their favourite park before heading home.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week Three - Letter Mm

Week three was a good week with time spent with Nana and the usual let down from birthday excitement.  Monkey studied Mm for his Letter of the Week program and all the boys enjoyed their learning experiences this week.

Here are some of the highlights from our week...

 Nature walks with Nana

 Daddy oversees the Tuesday morning ritual with Munchkin of waiting for the rubbish and recycling trucks to come past.  Both men wave to the boys and the recycling truck driver even beeps his horn!

 Some sensory play for Monster as he enjoyed playing with a playdough farm that his cousins gave him for his birthday!

 Monkey gets some life skills lessons with Nana and helps grate mounds of carrot for dinner!

 We worked together as a family one afternoon nap time to complete this puzzle.

 We enjoyed a rather epic late summer rainstorm.  Then the next day (which was bright and sunny) I decided to have painting in the afternoon. I took full advantage of the extra pair of hands since Nana was still visiting with us!

Monkey painting a monkey.

Marble painting...

More marble painting...

 Munchkin was even able to get into the act with some finger painting.
I tried out a homemade, edible, non-toxic recipe I found on Pinterest.
I was not happy with the consistency... WAY too thick... so I need to experiment some more but Munchkin still thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

 Monkey's completed M's (well almost - we had to track down more foam letter stickers)

 His bush fire picture.

Monkey and Meerkat and Monkey paper plate art projects.
Monkey's on top and Monster's on the bottom!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week Two - Letter Bb

Week two of school went quite well considering we had a birthday in the middle of it and a party that weekend!  Nana also arrived to surprise the birthday boy on Thursday so it was an exciting week for everyone.  Here is my selection of photos from our week.

 Bb is for - BOY in a BOX on the BENCH!

 Bb foam stickers on a capital B

 During nap time one afternoon Monkey and I spent some time concentrating on the whole alphabet and numbers 1-10 so we put together these two puzzles...

 ... and Monkey found all the alphabet in his magnet letter collection and put them in order on the metal boards.




Just random cute photos of each of the boys that I managed to take during a trip to the park.

 Running races at the park...

 Bb is for - Birthday Boy
Monster turned 8 years old this week!

 The boys decorated capital Bs with feathers to make birds!

 Then they decorated another capital B with buttons...

Finally during another nap time the boys coloured these butterflies.
Monkey coloured the top one and Monster coloured the bottom.