Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting Outdoors More

Part of my plan for term four is to get the boys outside EVERY single day (that isn't raining)!  I jumped right in on the first day of the term and we walked to the park on the edge of town.  We are anxiously waiting for our local playground (five minute walk from home) to be renovated!  Getting outside every day will help fulfill the PE requirement for school, but not only that, should help
regulate their sleep patterns more (and goodness knows they need that), and generally keep them healthy, happy and fit!  Though not showcased well in my selection of photos we had fun throwing and catching the balls, running, climbing, jumping, and generally being silly and having a GREAT time!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Term Three Evaluation

Third term started out slowly with Monster, Munchkin and I all having a gastro bug and Monster having an acute asthma attack as well that required some pretty extensive treatment!  

Read Aloud Books We Finished (read by me):

Punchinello and the Most Marvellous Gift by Max Lucado
Stephanie the Starfish Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Snakes, Lizards, Crocs and Turtles of Australia by Steve Wilson
The Super Swooper Dinosaur by Martin Waddell
The Little Reindeer by Michael Foreman
Elephant Joe is a Knight by David Wojtowycz
Isla the Ice Star Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Dinosaur Wars Allosaurus vs Brachiosaurus by Michael O'Hearn
Dinosaur Wars Tyrannosaurus Rex vs Velociraptor by Michael O'Hearn
Fly Guy vs the Flyswatter by Tedd Arnold
Star Wars Ackbar's Underwater Army by Simon Beecroft
The Auntie's Three by Nick Bland
Shannon the Ocean Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Ava the Sunset Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Dinosaur Wars Spinosaurus vs Giganotosaurus by Michael O'Hearn
Star Wars Chewbacca and the Wookie Warriors
Yasmin the Night Owl Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Zara the Starlight Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Sabrina the Sweet Dreams Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Elisa the Adventure Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Stacey the Soccer Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Maddie the Playtime Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Stella the Star Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Wanted: The Perfect Pet by Fiona Roberton
Lexi the Firefly Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Toxic by Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler
Cheetah and the Purrfect Crime
Changing Materials Heating
Nicole the Beach Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Avengers - The World's Mightiest Super Hero Team
Green Lantern High-Tech Terror
Batman Five Riddles for Robin
Black Manta and the Octopus Army
Gabriella the Snow Kingdom Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Eva the Enchanted Ball Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Teen Titans Spotlight: Wonder Girl
God Gave Us You - Lisa Bergren
Bear of My Heart - Joann Ryder
Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
Rascal Plays Up - Paul Jennings
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
Mia the Bridesmaid Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Freya the Friday Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Willow the Wednesday Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Gemma the Gymnastics Fairy bu Daisy Meadows
Natalie the Christmas Stocking Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Olympia the Games Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Selena the Sleepover Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Holly the Christmas Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Batman The Fog of Fear
The Fastest Pet on Earth
Pooches of Power
Super Hero Splash Down
Belle the Birthday Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Destiny the Pop Star Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Chrissie the Wish Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Emma the Easter Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Anya the Cuddly Creatures Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Abigail the Breeze Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Kiera the Film Star Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Honey the Sweet Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Rochelle the Star Spotter Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Flash - Captain Cold's Arctic Eruption
Una the Concert Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Elizabeth the Jubilee Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Banjo Bounces Back by Lachie Hume
A Mama for Owen by Marion Dane Bauer
Ernie Dances to the Didgeridoo by Alison Lester
Please Try to Remember the First of Octember by Dr Seuss
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! by Dr Seuss
The Foot Book by Dr Seuss
McElligot's Pool
Hunches in Bunches by Dr Seuss
Great Day for Up by Dr Seuss
Captain Mack and the Slithery Serpent
Rapunzel by Saviour Pirotta
Rumpelstiltskin by Saviour Pirotta
Hansel and Gretel by Saviour Pirotta
Little Mouse and Lazy Cat by Saviour Pirotta
Snow White and Rose Red by Saviour Pirotta
Twelve Dancing Princesses by Saviour Pirotta
The Frog Prince by Saviour Pirotta
Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories by Dr Seuss
Octonauts and the Monster Map
I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today and Other Stories by Dr Seuss
Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? by Dr Seuss
Miley the Stylist Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Wonder Woman Monster Magic
Wonder Woman Trial of the Amazons
Tamara the Tooth Fairy by Daisy Meadows
Wonder Woman Attack of the Cheetah
Captain Cold and the Blizzard Battle
The Amazing Mini-Mutts
Sleepy Time Crime
Candy Store Caper

Other Reading Activities:

Reading Eggs Online Computer Program

Maths: Targeting Maths Year 1 Textbook:

Term Three of the textbook covered the following topics:
Number - Numbers to 100, Counting in tens
Time and Mass - Reading digital clocks, comparing mass
Money - Coins, Australian dollars
Addition and Time - Writing addition sentences, One minute
Number and Multiplication - Counting in tens, Place value
Fractions - Quarters
Money - Addition with money
3D Objects - Faces of 3D objects
Addition - Adding ten, Number facts
Data and Length - Sorting data, Distance
Addition and Multiplication - Doubles, Equal rows
Time and Capacity - Half past, Capacity using blocks
Addition and Subtraction - Difference, Change from $5 and $10
2D Shapes and Subtraction - Hexagons, Subtraction stories
Division - Sharing into equal groups, Making groups

Excel Basic Skills English and Mathematics Year 1:

Units 16 - 23 and Test
Spelling and Vocabulary
Grammar and Punctuation

Other Math Learning:

Daily Sums Work
Magic Mosaic Pattern Game
Weighing fruit and vegetables at the grocery store


Writing Forms Practice Pages

Scripture and Character Building:

Bible Reading (out loud) 2 Samuel - 1 Chronicles
Big Ideas in the Bible by Chuck Swindoll
The Book of Virtues by William Bennett

Science and Technology:

Experiments With Water from 365 Super Science Experiments
#34 The Shrinking Molecule
#33 Give Me Room
Baking and/or Cooking with mum


various play dates in the park
walking to and from the shops
walking to and from the library
riding his scooter


weekly attendance at church and Sunday school
weekly attendance at story hour at the library
various play dates with friends

Creative Arts:

Listened to a variety of music CDs

Other Activities:

Library School Holidays Program - Bingo Game Day

Homeschool Group Topics:
Math Games Day
money, time, 3D shapes, memory (numbers that make 10)
Optometrist Visit - discussed eye health
Show and Tell