Friday, August 31, 2012

Optometrist Visit

One of the families in our homeschool group asked their optometrist if he would be willing to come and speak to the group.  He gladly agreed.  The children enjoyed a power point presentation about the eye and how to look after our eye sight.  Then they took turns having some simple tests done, and at the end the mums asked some questions.  Everyone found it interesting and informative.

The group learning about anatomy of the eye. 

Above: Z having his eyesight checked.
Below: Monster having his eyesight checked. 

I can't remember what the photo above was testing but in the picture below Monster is being tested for colour blindness. 

After the group finished for the day one of the other mums and I decided the children would enjoy some play time in the park.  Here S and Monster agreed to pose for a picture.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Magna Shapes

Another toy from my childhood being loved by my children.
This is Magna Shapes... a box with a lot of different metal shapes and four magnetic squares to build things on.  The boys tell me it is difficult to do but they rose to the challenge.  The directions give you ideas of objects to build or you can try the Tangrams.  Pictured below are a couple of Monster's creations.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Police Open Day

Our local police department held an open day and the boys really enjoyed the experience.

They learned about the bomb robots... 

... and the police diving unit. 

They posed on a police motor bike... 

...admired the police on horse back... 

...and sat in the police helicopter!!
A good day was had by all!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Science Experiments

We have been enjoying learning about the properties of water and doing some science experiments to go along with our learning.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Old Toys Made New

When my mom came she was able to bring quite a few of the fun and educational toys that I used when I was growing up.  The big boys are really enjoying exploring them and learning with them.

Design Discoveries has many pages with pictures on them and the child uses a variety of shapes to create the given picture on the page.  Monkey finds this VERY challenging but there are a few pages at the beginning that he will attempt and has a lot of success with. 

Monkey also really enjoys the Touch 'N Tell which is an electronic learning game.  He can push on an object or picture and the game will tell him what it is... then if he waits a few moments the game will switch to asking him to find different things on the page! 

Meanwhile Monster was discovering the Magic Mosaic.  I gave him an "assignment" to create a pattern and the picture below is his finished product.