Sunday, March 3, 2024

Term One: Week Five ~ Power Outages, Sick Days, and Injuries

Week Five began with the extra excitement of a scheduled power outage for most of the day on Sunday. The power was shut off at about 8:45am (MUCH better than the 7am they warned us about) and came back on precisely at 3pm as advised. We were at church from 9am until 1:30pm (we stopped at the grocery store on the way home) so it really wasn't as disruptive as it could have been. Below is a sneaky photo I snapped while they changed over some wires directly in front of our house. It appears the main work was done on a power pole on the corner that is broken.

After a cold lunch of sandwiches I curled up in the recliner on the verandah to read a book.

I had been slowly working on this book (which I owned) in between various library books and I decided the time had come to finish it. The story was engaging and as it progressed I got more and more sucked into the lives of the characters. It was a GREAT way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Although Liane Moriarty books are great and I love them, this one did not win a place in my forever home library as I'm unlikely to NEED to read it again, so I placed it in the "free little library" up the road from our house so someone else can enjoy the story.

Meanwhile Munchkin did some more planting. He had taken a trip to Bunnings with his father (while I did the grocery shopping) and purchased some more biodegradable pots for his caterpillar plantar and was eager to plant the next batch of seeds.

He is growing cucumbers this time.

I tried to snap a photo of our neighbour's dog (Jack) for my mum. He is darling. His humans walk him early in the morning and he MUST greet me and kiss me. If I'm not sitting on the verandah he will stand on the front walkway or even come up to the door and wait for me to come out. I absolutely adore this little guy.

Monkey has finally resumed his drawing, even though his table and supplies aren't set up quite how he wants them yet. I'm looking forward to seeing all his creative ideas in the near future once he can access all his art supplies more easily.

From Tuesday morning the week took a nose dive. Munchkin complained of a bad stomach ache Monday evening, and by Tuesday morning he had vomited a couple of times. Thankfully Monday night hubby bought some juice and jelly (Jell-O for my American readers), so we were well stocked for a few days of clear liquids.

I knew he was proper sick when he took a nap after only being awake for a couple of hours on Tuesday.

I took advantage of the surprise "free time" and finished reading this book aloud to Monkey. In the left photo you might JUST be able to see a pile of blanket in the upper right corner of the photo... that is Monkey under his mink blanket listening to me read aloud. The information in this book was WAY over Munchkin's head and reading it at night was proving difficult so we were both glad to have a large chunk of uninterrupted time during the day to work on it.

Excitement in the midst of illness when Munchkin discovered that his sunflower had sprouted and is growing well.

The 4 o'clock flower doesn't bloom nearly as often as it did when we enjoyed it at our old house. Not sure if that is because we are growing it in a pot now, or because of climate, or change in how much sun/shade it gets. So whenever I see it blooming I snap a photo because it makes me happy.

Wednesday morning Munchkin took another nap - almost three hours long. I used the time to do various chores around the house that I hadn't been able to focus on recently. Thankfully our school week wasn't too messed up. Munchkin can catch up on all his work when he is well, and Monkey only had math tests and a writing assignment to do.

The flooding rain from the previous week means there are mushrooms growing EVERYWHERE. I spotted this lot during a walk to the shopping centre.

After an exceptionally warm day and night, we discovered that cucumbers had sprouted and were growing like crazy. Munchkin and I are excited as we've never attempted to grow cucumbers before.

Another attempt at a picture of Jack. I really wish he would cooperate and hold still because he is just so cute.

Thursday afternoon we were able to do some school related reading aloud. I finished off all three of Munchkin's junior non-fiction titles that we had started on Monday.

Two trips to the shopping centre for groceries this week meant two really good walks for me.

We have a potluck lunch after church next week and Munchkin decided to bake a cake. Adding all the ingredients to the mixing bowl...

Mixing up the batter...

My only job was to pour the cake batter into my Philips All-in-One Cooker (Aussie equivalent of the One Pot) and then take the cake out of the cooker. The left photo is the cake still in the pot and the right photo is the cake out of the pot.

My contribution to the potluck lunch will be devilled eggs. These were the three or four eggs that tore as I put the yolk mixture back in so Munchkin got to eat them for lunch.

Late in the afternoon it was time to put the icing on the cake...

Reading the instructions...


And icing... again, my only job was to scrape the icing out of the mixing bowl onto the cake. Munchkin took care of all the rest.

Progress photos of Munchkin's plants... the tomatoes are thriving and we are taking turns making sure the plants are looped into the climbing stick as they get long enough. In the right photo you will notice that the pot on the left (in the front) has sprouted. Munchkin thinks that may be some Australian native flowers he planted. Also the apple mint (at the far back) has a new sprout of leaves growing so we know it is doing well.

Finally, whilst at youth group Friday night, Monkey fell and hurt his foot and Saturday afternoon we discovered it was swollen and bruised. Thankfully he can walk normally so it isn't too serious. We will monitor it and he will rest it as he can. I have advised ice and elevation as it is convenient for him.

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