Saturday, June 10, 2023

Term Two: Week Seven ~ Life

This blog (at the moment) at least, seems to be more a documentation of life in general, and less specifically about homeschooling exclusively. But at the boys get older the format of this blog will have to change, so I guess all is as it should be. Enjoy my photo selection for this seventh week of term two.

We are ready a new science series (left photo) as part of Munchkin's curriculum and it is proving to be a good series with interesting and informative material. The right hand photo is another book that Monkey has finished reading for his Premier's Reading Challenge.

I've started knitting again after a five year break. A lady at church knits children's hats (beanies) and donates them to the children's hospital so she gave me the instructions and I got started. This is my first attempt.

Compared to the three examples that the lady from church loaned me, my hat is really not all that good.

I had enough yarn to try a second hat and I'm much happier with this one than the top one.

Legos at the library for After School Activities on Thursday. Munchkin enjoyed searching for all the cheese wedge pieces and putting them on a base plate.

There was a stunning sunset on the walk home from the library and although these photos are gorgeous in their own right - they don't quite do the experience justice.

Munchkin's independent reading for the week.

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