Saturday, August 28, 2021

Term Three: Week Seven ~ Random Life

This week didn't quite go to plan. It ended on a sad note as I learned Friday morning that a dear old friend in the states had left this world and gone to be with the Lord. But even before that news, my photography waned this week. This always seems to happen towards the end of a term. But there are still some random photographs of our week... enjoy!!

You rarely see Munchkin without a book in his hands... even while exercising and eating, he'll find a way to read!!

Our baby starfish survived hubby scraping algae off the glass of the fish tank during a cleaning session this week...

Munchkin spent one late afternoon building a fort with dining chairs and the lounge...

Monkey finds that the time he must spend exercising daily goes faster with a good book to read.

A beautiful sunset to brighten my mood this week...

I continued to make time to work on this colouring page through the week...

A dear friend gifted us with some lovely new books... many of these are literature selections for the boys this year that I intended to borrow from the library. But we are still in strict lockdown and the daily numbers of COVID cases continues to climb, so it is unlikely we'll see our library books this year.

LOTS of independent reading was done this week ~ primarily Munchkin, but the other boys read daily too!!

Our two read aloud selections that we finished this week...

And a final three independent chapter books that Munchkin read this week...

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