Saturday, May 23, 2020

Term Two: Week Four ~ "New To Us" Furniture, Anniversary, and Library Access

What an exciting week this turned out to be! First, we discovered that "click and collect" had FINALLY begun at our library so I spent a GREAT deal of time putting SIXTY books on reserve to be picked up later in the week. Second, hubby found some GREAT bookshelves that someone was giving away for free... so I had a new project!

The new bookshelves match so they both went in the front entryway of the house. So, the bookshelf that we previously used in the entryway for library books came into our bedroom and went on my side as I have a bunch of books! The photo on the left is the BEFORE photo and the photo on the right is the AFTER photo. 

BEFORE and AFTER shots of our bedroom on my husband's side of the room. He needed a better way to store his shoes so he got the other bookshelf that was previously in the front entryway. In due course he will be adding more shelves to make room for more shoes. 

 BEFORE and AFTER photo of the front entryway where the library bookshelf is. There is LOTS more room for all our new books now!!

Finally, for some reason I didn't get the BEFORE photo... but the is the other new bookshelf that now lives next to our front door. 

 Now on to some photos of our school week...
Munchkin spent some time one day working on more of his "Elements of Art" booklet from Kitchen Table Classroom. He also spent some time on the computer watching Dav Pilkey drawing lessons.

We focused a lot more on getting outside this week. I aimed for a minimum of 30 minutes, and eventually we'll work up to 60 minutes outside per day. This particular day we were enjoying a walk and discovered some very noisy, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos. When they get excited, as this one did, they put their beautiful crest up!

The boys enjoyed several days outside walking and riding their scooters. We feel extremely blessed to have this new footpath when getting outside for exercise has been more difficult.

Monkey worked on this beautiful drawing of a dog during the week.

Our last day of outdoor time... we knew the rain was coming... as all through the day we could hear the Black Cockatoos screaming and shrieking at each other. That ALWAYS means rain is on the way.

We got about 50mm of MUCH needed rain! I spent a bit of time outside enjoying the sound of the falling rain and trying out some photography tricks. These photos aren't quite what I was after, but I couldn't risk getting my camera wet.

Munchkin was allowed time out on the front verandah to enjoy the rain as well.

Early mornings are all about eating and reading for Munchkin (left photo)...
Friday's math was entirely hands-on activities to do with weight (right photo)...

Munchkin finished off his Year 3/3rd Grade math textbook. We will move on to Yr 4/4th Grade from next week. We will work through the Yr 4 book until it gets too hard and then review for the remainder of the year.

As per our new "lock down" school routine, Friday afternoons are devoted to art and music. All three boys worked on a perspective lesson from Art Projects For Kids, while I read aloud from our art and music books we've borrowed from the library.

This is Monster's beginning to his drawing...

Munchkin chose a landscape perspective lesson...

This was Monkey's beginning work on his perspective drawing...

We ended the week with our Friday Night Family movie... this week it was Cinderella.

Munchkin is anxious for new books from the library... but he is keeping himself busy with our Zac Power collection for the time being!

He is also still very much enjoying this series by one of our all-time favourite Australian authors.

I finished two read alouds for Monkey... we wrapped up his bush ranger unit, and enjoyed finishing another classic.

Two more read alouds we finished this week... both were INCREDIBLE!

Finally, Monster finished another PRC selection as his independent read for the week.

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