Saturday, July 21, 2018

Term Two Evaluation: Munchkin


Reading ~
* Daddy and I have read in excess of 200 books to Munchkin this term.
* A book list of all books read will be included in his portfolio for the year.

Munchkin enjoys his online Reading Eggs program as well as his online Teach Your Monster to Read program.  He spends some time each school day working through the lessons.

Munchkin is on the verge of being able to read. He has lots of sight words memorized and is starting to sound small words out during read aloud sessions with both daddy and I.

Writing ~
Since Munchkin is not reading fluently I do not require him to do a structured writing curriculum at all. He participates in some copy work (writing thank you notes and birthday cards) and will frequently ask us to spell words for him to write down when he is drawing.

Spelling ~
As with writing, until Munchkin is reading fluently, he will not be expected to work through a spelling curriculum. I will begin our Ozspeller program with him next year.

Handwriting ~
Targeting Handwriting Yr 1

Grammar ~
Junior Analytical Grammar requires too much writing/reading for Munchkin to participate yet so he will do this program in a few years time.


Munchkin continues to work through, and thoroughly enjoy, his Maths Plus Year 2 textbook.

Topics we covered this term in the Yr 2 textbook included:
Addition to twenty, Multiplication/groups of, Chance events, Count on to find the difference, Representing numbers to 1000, Sketching position, Comparing mass, Division/equal groups, Multiplication/groups of, Quarter turn clockwise and anti-clockwise, Creating a data table, Bridging to ten, Place value, Faces, vertices and edges, Digital time - half past and o'clock, Counting on/addition, One quarter, Likely/unlikely, Diagnostic Review 1, Multiplication/arrays, Counting by 1s, 2s, 3s, and 5s, Estimating, Informal area units, Addition Facts, Bridging to ten, Position, Duration, Counting back, Halves and quarters, Angles, Volume, Commutative property of multiplication, Division/sharing, Picture graphs, Addition jump strategies, Number patterns, Three-dimensional objects/faces, Subtraction from addition, Jump strategy, Turns, Creating a column graph, Repeated addition, Counting and comparing numbers, 

Munchkin also enjoys the Mathseeds program online that is part of our Reading Eggs subscription. He works independently (unless he needs help with reading the instructions) and I am continually impressed at the level of difficulty he has mastered on his own.


Munchkin listened in on the read alouds with the older boys. The list of books is the same.


The early years of history/geography in the national curriculum focus mainly on identifying change and continuity within the family unit. They also look at significant people, events, places and sites. Finally they look at changes in technology on people's lives over time. All of this can be more than adequately covered with quality books so we read a LOT of historical fiction and non-fiction books that are aimed directly at Munchkin's age.

As for geography, students are to focus on sequencing events in order using terms related to time. They also compare objects from the past and present. Again, simple terms that are more than sufficiently covered in the number of books we read and the range of topics.


Term two ended up with a focus on death of a family member and grief.
Aside from attending the funeral and other associated family events, I didn't take much of an opportunity to further delve into the emotion of grief, so I'm thinking of doing that a bit during term three.


During Term Two we attended the following social events:
The biggest event in our term was a sad one.
My father-in-law died on Mother's Day and quite a bit of the term was spent attending events surrounding the funeral.

24th May: attended their grandfather's funeral and wake

30th April: attended Pupil Free Lego Day at local church
18th May: Australian Museum Excursion (met another homeschool family)
2nd June: Attended cousin's 7th birthday party and uncle's 60th birthday party
28th June: Celebrated dad's birthday

Term One Holiday Events:
14th April: Attended a friend's birthday party
15th April: Celebrated younger brother's birthday
17th April: Bingo at local library
18th April: Board Games at local library
21st April: Attended younger brother's birthday party (with friends and family)
22nd April: beach afternoon
26th April: Craft activity at local library

Term Two Holiday Events:
10th July: Bingo at local library
13th July: 3D Dinosaur craft at local library
17th July: Board Games at local library
19th July: CD Flower Craft at local library
20th July: Winter Snowflake craft at local library

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