Friday, June 23, 2017

Term Two: Week Nine ~ Wrapping Things Up

We are well and truly wrapping up our term.  Week nine is generally our last week for spelling, handwriting, creative writing, grammar, and health.  This week Monster also finished a math chapter and worked through the chapter summary pages.  I knew we couldn't adequately cover the next chapter in just four days, so he was thrilled to hear that his term ended one week early. But of course that is only book work/written work.  Homeschooling spills into our every day life, so really the boys are almost ALWAYS learning something.

More hands-on maths pages to wrap up the term for Monkey. 

Daddy took a break from office work and gave Munchkin a quick boxing lesson. 

Diligently working through the chapter summary questions in math. 

 It was Munchkin's turn to use the pan balance while Monkey used the digital kitchen scales to work through yet another page.

All three boys were thrilled to return to co-op on Thursday.
This week they played with an Ancient Rome diorama... 

Munchkin enjoyed some dress up time... 

While the older children began an anatomy unit... 

They loved finding their pulse on their wrist and then "watching" it with the help of a split pin/brad. 

 Independent reading for the two older boys...

 Followed by read aloud selections for the Munchkin.
Bring on week ten and then school holidays - we are ready.

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