Friday, September 4, 2015

Term Three: Week Eight ~ Fun Friday Science

This week was HEAVY on the reading ~ as you will see when you browse the book photos at the end of the post.  There was a definite science theme to a lot of the books so I used that for the base for our "Fun Friday" theme.

Some of Monkey's drawings he did during our read aloud sessions. 

Monster continues to work through his Year 4 (above) and Year 5 (below) textbooks.  This year he chose to work through them in numerical order rather than by "theme" of maths topic. 

Monkey is completely finished with all the pages in his Year 1 maths textbook and so we are working through the Investigation pages in the back. Next term we will begin to work through a Year 2 textbook. 

Monster also got to enjoy a hands on maths page about square metres and part of the process included creating his own square metre out of newspaper.  He enjoyed the activity and the process. 

Monkey's reading is coming along in leaps and bounds.  This week he finished off the first set of Fitzroy Readers... now we will work through some other early readers in our local library while I source the next section of Fitzroy's at a different library. 

When we did a seed growing experiment in a jar (so we could see the seed growing) we had trouble with mould so a friend suggested we try it this way - in a plastic bag hung on the window.  We spent some time setting it up and we will hope for better results. 

Munchkin enjoyed some free time with the wooden train set and I enjoyed the opportunity to experiment with my photography.  I'm not overly excited with my photographic results but Munchkin had fun playing. 

Some photos of Munchkin taking part in the Fun Friday activities. To match with a LOT of our reading I printed out butterfly and caterpillar life cycle worksheets and Venn diagrams comparing moths and caterpillars and frogs and toads.  The boys also enjoyed some painting. 


The above books are all Monster's independent reading books for the week.  YES there is a total Pokemon obsession going at the moment.

The three books above include our Health and Science unit (human body), History (Australian Girl series) and character building. One of the many reasons we chose to homeschool is so that we could introduce topics (reproduction) and deal with issues (lying and honesty) when we felt it was the right time... not when a curriculum deemed it the right time.

Munchkin knows what kinds of books he likes and he is getting quite good at browsing through the books in the children's section of the library and making his choices for the week.  He spends a bit of time each day creating a "pile" of books (either library, home or both) of the books he would like me to read to him.  The photos above are his choices for this week.

Our selection of picture books for the week... all three boys enjoyed these stories!

 Finally we finish this MAMMOTH blog post with our science selections (information books) that we read this week.

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