Friday, June 3, 2016

Term Two: Week Six ~ Bare Bones School, Doctors Appointments, and Surprise Visitors

What a week!
The germs that were threatening to invade us gave full attack, and all three boys and I spent this week feeling less that 100%.  Munchkin had an asthmatic reaction to his cold and required a trip to the doctor Monday morning.  The two older boys weathered the week with little trouble either than sore throats, sneezing, and general tiredness.  I did alright until midway through the week when my voice gave out on me.
So it was bare bones schooling, some digital/screen learning, and lots of rest this week.

Winter has begun with a bang - and we had a bit of a cold snap this week. Thank goodness for the warmth and convenience of my slow cooker. 

We finished reading the last of our information books on Antarctica this week and now have a few DVDs to watch.  This one was really good and enjoyed by all of us as we tried to rest a bit this week, but still do some learning. 

Nana surprised the boys, arrived at dinner time Wednesday night.  She is only staying for a few days so the boys intend to spend as much time with her as possible. 

Munchkin enjoyed spending part of Friday afternoon "teaching" Nana how to play one of his favourite maths card games called Blink. 

Monkey relished the chance to spend some time reading Nana his two favourite picture books. It is fun to listen to him read aloud as he has get inflectional and emotion when he reads now. 

 Before my voice gave out we got some reading done.  We finished the last of our Antarctica information books, and enjoyed some current favourites.

We are still trying to get a good start on our nutrition unit, so I chose this short book that gives a general overview of healthy food and when it comes from. 

 I was pleased that by Friday night I could manage to read five picture books in a row. My voice is well and truly on the mend and I think school will be back to normal come Monday morning.

 Monster is working hard on his Premier's Reading Challenge books.
These are the three titles he read this week.

Finally, the two picture books Monkey read aloud to Nana and Munchkin.

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