Friday, February 14, 2014

Week Two - Letter Bb

Week two of school went quite well considering we had a birthday in the middle of it and a party that weekend!  Nana also arrived to surprise the birthday boy on Thursday so it was an exciting week for everyone.  Here is my selection of photos from our week.

 Bb is for - BOY in a BOX on the BENCH!

 Bb foam stickers on a capital B

 During nap time one afternoon Monkey and I spent some time concentrating on the whole alphabet and numbers 1-10 so we put together these two puzzles...

 ... and Monkey found all the alphabet in his magnet letter collection and put them in order on the metal boards.




Just random cute photos of each of the boys that I managed to take during a trip to the park.

 Running races at the park...

 Bb is for - Birthday Boy
Monster turned 8 years old this week!

 The boys decorated capital Bs with feathers to make birds!

 Then they decorated another capital B with buttons...

Finally during another nap time the boys coloured these butterflies.
Monkey coloured the top one and Monster coloured the bottom.

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